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  • Writer's pictureLance and Mindy Hines

All Things New!

This New Years Eve we are in Kenya, and only two short hours remain in 2018. This year has been a whirlwind!

As we reflect on 2018 and look ahead to 2019, one particular line of one of our favorite worship songs rolls over in my mind.

The line simply says, “Things that we thought were dead, are breathing in life again.”

The photo above was taken in our back yard. Our beautiful tiny potted tree died. We were certain there was no hope of saving it, and so we made the decision to pull it up and replace it with something else. Our friend Raymond, however, believed there was hope for the tiny tree and convinced us to give the dead tree some TLC and see what happened. Raymond said the tree needed: time, regular and thorough soakings, better soil, and more sunlight. We were not convinced, but figured it wouldn't hurt to try. Months passed, and there no visible change. But inside, something was taking place. The little tree we thought was dead was breathing in life again.

The photo, shows the remarkable transformation.

Sometimes we're like this little tree. We weather storms. Our branches bend low as the winds of change swirl around us. We dry out and crack in extreme heat and cold. Our vibrant green leaves cease to bear fruit, and it looks like we are dead. Often, we may even feel dead. But Jesus does not pluck us up and replace us with something "better." Instead, Jesus draws us into his presence and soaks us with his goodness. Deep calls out to deep and we are pulled into his word where the soil of our souls can be nourished. We bask in his light, and soon...what we once thought was dead starts breathing in life again.

As we all take time to reflect on 2018, and as we look forward to the New Year, we pray that Jesus will breathe new life into all you do. If 2018 was marked by things that appear to be dead...choose to put your hope in the One who makes all things new.

Since 2001, we have watched the Lord Jesus transform lives and communities. People who have been dead in sin now breathe in a whole new life in Christ. People just like you have made it all possible through faithful prayer and financial support.

Please accept our heart felt gratitude for who you are and all you do to bring new life in Christ to the incredible people in Africa. On their behalf - thank you.

May your New Year be filled with every blessing.

So All Can Hear,

Lance & Mindy

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