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The Boy...and The "Impossible"

Writer's picture: Lance and Mindy HinesLance and Mindy Hines

God is looking for people thru whom He can do the impossible. What a pity that we plan only the things we can do by ourselves. AW Tozer

She was a single mom, her small boy was only four when his father passed away. Making ends meet was difficult - a welcome relief when the Muslim man came calling on her and eventually proposed marriage. No more worries about survival - her little boy would have plenty of food, shelter and a good education. Life was about to change.

The little boy, was indeed educated according to Islaamic tradition and culture. He understood the path to God according to the Koraan, but questions abounded within his heart and a stirring in his spirit led the boy to begin there another way to find God?

The boy grew and became a young man who made decisions for the plan of God would have it - there was a Pastor who happened to live next door. The young man accepted the Pastor's invitation to church where he heard of Jesus love for all mankind - of the great sacrifice Jesus made to save us. For the first time, the young man felt a great peace...hope followed as he came to the realization that this good news was available to all people. He felt responsible to tell everyone he could about the change that had taken place in His life.

Everyone - needed to know about Jesus! But how?

The Lord dropped an IMPOSSIBLE idea into his heart, not only was it impossible - it was ILLEGAL! In 1989, under strong athiest, Communistic rule in Mozambique - the airwaves could be used for the purpose of sending out government messages, "The government is God and there is no other." For many years, this was the singular message sent out over the airwaves.

The young man was invited to attend a meeting for church leaders in Tanzania. He carried his impossible dream all the way to Tanzania with him, and while he was in Tanzania attending the meetings...God spoke. A prophesy was given that Mozambique would see the day when television and radio would be allowed to freely proclaim that JESUS IS LORD! The man recalls, that the prophesy went on to say, "PREPARE YOURSELF! PREPARE YOURSELF! IT IS COMING!" The young man immediately sensed a quickening in his spirit - this word was intended for him...a confirmation that this impossible dream - was God's direction for his life. The man recalls that day and says he felt a sense of purpose resting so heavily upon his life, he felt like John the Baptist - a responsibility to prepare the way for this impossible task.

Fifteen years later...many changes have taken place - including a war. Nothing of value ever comes without paying a heavy price.

The impossible mandate of God, has been accomplished and Jesus IS being proclaimed LORD over MOZAMBIQUE thru television and radio...Alpha e Omega is the name of the station. Very fitting!

To God be all the glory!

Testimonies abound of people who are responding to the good news of Christ's love!

A man who is in prison for three years called to let the station know that after listening to programming several days, he has decided to begin attending the prison's Bible Study program and has committed his life to Christ.

A muslim lady, attends monthly listener support meetings and has collected items to donate to the flood victims although she can not attend church services - she can attend the listener meetings and is receiving support and encouragement. With time, we believe she will find Jesus.

Other stories could be told of how God is using this strategic ministry to reach into areas that have previously been highly resistant to the Gospel...and it all began with one little muslim boy, grew up and found Jesus, and believed God to accomplish an impossible dream. Today - thousands of people each day hear one message. Jesus is Lord in Mozambique.

So many of us - grew up in Christian homes - we grapple with a dream that is impossible by human standards. Be encouraged! We serve a God who specializes in the impossible. May we put our trust in Him, so that we are not limited by what we can accomplish ourselves.

So. That. All. Can. Hear.

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