The village of Zavala, Mozambique has a hidden treasure. Buried deep in the heart of the village, a unique and precious little girl with the heart of a lioness was born. Strength and determination forged in the furnace of pain yielded a brave young woman. Forced to flee her home in Zavala during Mozambique's civil war, the young woman met Jesus at an Assembly of God church in the capital city. She grew in her knowledge of the Lord and became a passionate disciple of Christ. During this time, Zavala languished in darkness - without any witness of the gospel. The young woman felt burdened for Zavala, and prayed that someone would go to her village to share the Good News of Christ with her family and friends - but nobody went. The young woman's burden grew and grew. During a time of prayer, she felt the Lord directing her to return to Zavala and to begin witnessing.
Obediently, Esther left the ease of life in the capital city and returned to Zavala so that others could hear and be first her work was slow-going. In one of my early conversations with Esther, I asked her if she ever felt discouraged. She smiled and responded, "How could I be downhearted after all that Jesus has done for me? I am grateful." It took months before she saw any fruit at all. But then...God began to do the impossible, and people started responding to the Good News!
Years later, Sister Esther's ministry in Zavala continues to grow. Her life and ministry challenges many hearts. Esther shows us what it looks like to live a life of total commitment to Jesus. Esther's priorities are simple: reach the lost, no matter the cost.
Thanks to Esther's dedication, the village of Zavala has a growing and thriving Assembly of God church, where disciples of Christ are being developed. Offering free access to clean water, the church in Zavala serves as the central hub of activity for the community. Physical and spiritual thirst is quenched as people find refreshing water and rest for their weary souls. We celebrate the amazing work God has done through Esther's life and sacrifice.
The Great Commission commands us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all people. As we participate in missions through praying, giving and going - we are able to reach places like Zavala and partner with wonderful people like Esther. Until all people have received the Good News, our task remains unfinished.
Will you join us in prayer for those who remain without any access to the gospel? Will you join our support team today, and partner with us to reach areas like Zavala for Jesus? Will you prayerfully consider coming to serve on a mission team in Southern Africa for a year, or more?
Thank you for your partnership in the mission of God to: reach the lost, plant churches, train believers and serve those in need.